Get all prices of oil stations by town in Spain

This is my first shared script :)

Open gas-prices in Script Kit

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 17 33 30

// Name: Oil prices
// Description: Prices of oil stations in Spain
// Author: Alfredo de la Calle
// Github:
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
const baseUrl = "";
const basePath = `${baseUrl}/ServiciosRESTCarburantes/PreciosCarburantes`;
const listadosEndpoint = `${basePath}/Listados`;
const preciosEndpoint = `${basePath}/EstacionesTerrestresHist`;
const previewEESS = async (municipalities) => {
const EESSbyMunicipios = async (date = null, municipios) => {
const _data = [];
const prs = (municipio) => {
try {
const { data } = await get(
return data;
} catch (e) {
return { ListaEESSPrecio: [] };
await Promise.all(prs).then((results) =>
results.forEach((result) => {
return { ListaEESSPrecio: _data };
const stations = await EESSbyMunicipios(
dayjs().subtract(1, "day").format("DD-MM-YYYY"),
const results = stations.ListaEESSPrecio
.map((station) => {
const {
Rótulo: name,
Dirección: address,
"Precio Gasolina 95": gasolina95,
"Precio Gasolina 98": gasolina98,
"Precio Gasoleo A": gasoleoA,
"Precio Gasoleo Premium": gasoleoPremium,
"Precio Gasoleo B": gasoleoB,
"Precio Gasolina 95 E5": gasolina95E5,
"Precio Gasolina 98 E5": gasolina98E5,
"Fecha Suministro": fechaSuministro,
} = station;
return `|${name}|${address}|${gasolina95E5 ?? ""}|${gasolina98E5 ?? ""}|${
gasoleoA ?? ""
}|${gasoleoPremium ?? ""}|${gasoleoB ?? ""}|${fechaSuministro ?? ""}|`;
return results;
let provinceSelected = await arg({
placeholder: "Select a province",
choices: async () => {
const { data } = await get(`${listadosEndpoint}/Provincias`);
return data?.map((p) => ({ name: p.Provincia, value: p.IDPovincia }));
await arg({
placeholder: "Select a locality",
choices: async () => {
const { data } = await get(
return data?.map((p) => ({
name: p.Municipio,
value: p.IDMunicipio,
preview: async () => {
const options = await previewEESS([p.IDMunicipio]);
return md(`
|Estación|Dirección|Precio Gasolina 95|Precio Gasolina 98|Precio Gasoleo A|Precio Gasoleo Premium|Precio Gasoleo B|Fecha Suministro|